Thursday, September 27, 2012

Princess Esha is here!

24th August 2012, a date which P and I will never forget!  Our first born, our precious offspring, our daughter made her grand entrance.  The feeling is exhilarating - one that no one can describe!  

I gotta be honest, the first few days after, I was just getting used to the fact that she is not in me anymore and that she is something we made!  It's an odd place to be, especially when you are coping with labor recovery and breastfeeding pains. I am feeding her and trying to bond with her all at once.  It's odd at first but amazing when it all comes together! 

So here's the purpose of this blog - an attempt to document my experience and monthly milestones with her.  I also hope to get to post more often than a monthly basis.  I think it's fun for me to share my experience esp with friends who are pregnant and are wondering how their experience is going to be.  :-) 

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