Thursday, September 27, 2012

One Month Old!

Wow!  Nothing in the world can prepare you for this! I had read so many books, so many blogs, so many forums, and yet, I think I was clueless.  

Personality: All babies are different, some are calm, some are cranky and some are feisty!  I am pretty sure we got the feisty one!!  From day one, Baby E knew to express herself. She let out loud cries as soon as she faced even the slightest discomfort.  She spent a good part of her first month 'grunting'.  I mean LOUD grunting.  She grunted while she slept, while she stretched, and during the lil while she stayed awake.  I mean, this was odd and not something we expected.  But she was feeding well and peeing and pooping well and didn't seem like she was in any pain.  So all we could do is get a real good white noise app!  

Feeds: the labor and delivery nurses called her the 'overachiever'!  She had no issues whatsoever with latching or feeding.  Thank God. At her 2 week appt, she had gained a whole pound from her 3 day appt.  Her doc complimented me saying that I was producing pure cream! *Pat on the back*  All through the month, she fed at least 8-12 times every day.  Which meant, I never got more than 2.5 hours of sleep at a stretch! BUT, she was feeding and gaining weight & getting real chubby cheeks... so no complaints.  Sleep can wait a few months or years!  ;-) Breastfeeding was real tough for the 1st few weeks.. but definitely gets better at the end of the month!  It's a learning experience for both the baby and the mom.  So the important mantra is to be patient and calm! 

Sleep: She seemed to get a good amount of sleep between feeds.  In fact I don't think we saw her getting up and alert for more than a few minutes till week 4! Now our sleep .. that's a different story altogether. She didn't fall asleep on her own though, she needed to be held, rocked and swung to fall asleep. 

Support:  Grandma's are the best!  I think my mom deserves a post of her own - so more on her later!  But seriously, the number of times I have wondered how single moms do it at 3am is pretty much every single night!  I have no clue how cause with the awesome mom and hubby that I have ... I still feel like a zombie on most days! Hubby has been awesome too and a quick learner! Poor Daddy had to go back to work in 2 weeks, so feels like he is missing out on so many fun things she does! We also have some awesome supportive family who all came out.  P's bua, cousins Raj and Rusha and her hubby, Jay & followed by my entire family(dad, bro, sis, BIL, kiddos - the whole jing bang!)!  Couldn't have had more fun or felt more loved! And last but not least - we have had the most amazing friends.  They have all come by, showered baby E with blessings and adorable gifts!  You guys are seriously awesome.  I had planned to take pics with all - but missed out quite a few!  :(  But here's a collage of the ones I did remember: 

1 Month Roundup

Breastfeeding: 8-12x a day
Likes: Mamoma's oil massages, feeding, the swing, the newborn lounger, cuddling, lots of body warmth
Dislikes: the cold, baths occasionally, play mat, bouncer
Noises: LOTS of grunts, oohs and aahs during feeds. 
Weight: Get weighed next at the 2 month appt. but our cleaning lady said she was very big for a one month old. Mommy feels proud! :) 
Fav Gadgets of the month: The Brest Friend, Boppy Newborn Lounger, Infant Swing, Kiddopotamus Swaddles, White Noise App. 





 One Month Old!!: 

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