Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 7 ...

Another week has gone by and I swear I have no idea where it's gone.  Everyone told me life would get better after 6 weeks .. and it most definitely did. She sleeps longer, sounder, feeding is going great, pumping isn't that scary, we have had the courage to go out with her!  All in all a great week.  Esha had quite a few fun visitors this week and she was as always in her best behavior!  I have a feeling she is going to be one social butterfly!  :( 

Future Leader of the pack!! Aadit the cutie! 

Oh my God .. how adorable are these munchkins - Selin and Sera  visit! 

Work BFF, Leyla - the baby whisperer!

Now my baby is a wubbanub addict! 

Ellie the elephant! 

Aunty Girja flies in all the way from SEA!!

Anuj kaaka needs lot more pics!!  He has seen Esha the most and has the least # of pics with her :( 

How the Texans brave a mild cold front!! Ridiculous! 

Mommy's FAV cupcake! 

Eeek smiles!  

More smiles!!  SIGH! 

My lil doll!  Can't get enough of this one! **MELT**

Adios all! See you in Week 8! 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Half way point!

Baby Esha turned is SIX weeks old!  Which means BOO! Half my maternity leave is over!  I am NOT looking forward to going back as of now. I feel like I have *just* started getting the hang of motherhood.  And Gosh!  every minute she seems to just grow and learn something new.  I am sooo fascinated by nature. So amused that WebMD baby tells me my baby is supposed to do this and that this week and she does just that!  How interesting that no matter what culture and background and financial status you have, all babies around the world develop pretty much the same! God, Nature, all of it .. is just so mesmerizing and beautiful! 

Now for some Esha updates: 

Personality: We are doing lots of new things this week!  Like 'playing'!  Our alert time has increased exponentially!  We are getting lots of alert spurts throughout the day and we are also seeing signs of a schedule happening! YAY! Lots of Cooing and talking happening. I still desperately try to get a real smile happening - but for now it's just mommy flashing her 32 teeth and BabyE looking very confused!  :D 

Sleep: Tend to have a 4 hour cycle at night (yay for more than 2 hrs of sleep).  Sleep is getting better and deeper.  Naps are happening, but are very swing dependent.  Need to figure out how that's going to move to the crib! Night sleep has finally moved to the pack n play (from co-sleeping with me on the bed)!  Woo hoo! Now that Esha is off in her own space at night, Daddy gets to move back into the room! PDaddy used to be a really slight sleeper, but Daddyhood has definitely changed that! ;-) 

Feeds: MUCH better!  6 weeks is really the turning point.  If you are a new mom or mom to be and are thinking of breastfeeding, the important thing is to stick it out for 6 weeks and you will pass through the hump! Both baby and you need those weeks to understand and learn each other.  It might happen even sooner for you ... so just be patient. :)  BIG accomplishment of this week - Bottle feeding has begun.  To get BabyE to not reject bottles later (which is apparently very common), the docs recommend giving her one bottle feed per day or every 2 days.  So we are doing just that.  (Which also means mommyG has finally overcome her fear of 'the pump'! ugh!) 

Accomplishments of the week: 
1. Bottle feeding - piece of cake! 
2. 1st official outing to the temple followed by lunch at Swad - slept through it all and so again, piece of cake!
3. Officially not a newborn anymore.  BabyE has transitioned to 0-3 mos. clothing and No. 1 diapers!  (Sniff!)
4. Pooped on Daddy and Peed on Mamoma! Woot woot!

Now for some fun pics: 

Temple Outing with Mamoma

Temple Outing with Daddy! 
Check out my smile ... only for Mamoma! 

Mommy dresses me Govinda style! 

Thank you Aunty Diane for the wonderful headband and booties! 

Daddy loves talking to me about his day and I love listening! 

How cute is this outfit?  Thank goodness for sisters like Shria!

I am So playful now that I am 6 whole weeks old! 

My sexy look! ;) 

Check out that tongue ... MELT! 

Daddy pretending to read! 

My Bed hair look! 

YAY!  Daddy gets to enjoy a feed session with me!! 

Self-Soothing ... means Mommy Melting! 

Neighbor Grandma Shelley pays me a visit and I listened to her very attentively the whole while!

Daddy doesn't clean my poopy diapers .. so I pooped on him!  Didn't want him to miss out! ;-) 
Adios World.  See you in Week 7!