Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3 months new!

Has it been 1.5 months already since I last posted?? Wow!  Time does fly when you have a newborn!  Well, in the last month - Esha already completed her 1st domestic flight to Atlanta and 1st road trip to Dallas.  So we have all been keeping busy!

Personality changes - Esha is babbling away - knows most of the vowels - aa oo eee and says them out aloud with a whole lot of emotions and expressions. This little thing has a VERY loud voice and an even louder cry. Daddy is convinced that she has swallowed a loud speaker when we weren't looking.  Now we just need to get her to swallow a silencer! ;) She is being fed on demand - which means I get some nights with almost no sleep. But as always daddy and grandma are such big help and make sure they give mommy some rest! She has been learning to smile lots - lots and lots of social smiles.  And lots of playtime.  Another change is learning to realize that talking to people is SO  much more fun than being left alone on a play mat! Oh Boy! Tummy time is getting better - maybe tolerable for ~3-4 mins at a time now. One thing she loves is her crib mobile time! The moving animals definitely gets her squealing!

Big 3 month change - back to work for me!  Very depressing - very hard .. but so blessed to have grandma's that are giving up their precious time to make this transition easy!

Family time in Atlanta - 2 weeks of non-stop fun!  Esha seemed to have grown so much all of a sudden. Must be the constant interaction with the other kiddos making her eager to grow.  Oh time .. please stop and let me soak it all in!

The transition to the 3-6 months clothes have started.  SAD!!  I don't have a newborn in hand anymore! SIGH!

Now for some pics since I last left off!

1st outing - Aunty Sha's for pumpkin carving! 


Still very cute! 

Best pic to date! 

Aunty Diane visits! 

Bumble bee for halloween! 

Mommy's attempt on a photo booth shoot! ;) 

At Shria's Bday # 1!

We are bumble bees! 

With the sissy and the mauu!
At Reema's godh bharai
All smiles for Daddys funny faces! 

New outfit for Diwali! 

New outfits for Diwali! 

All ready for Diwali potluck at Anars

Modelling for mommy! 

How adorable is this?!?!?

At Reema's Godh Bharai in Dallas!