Monday, June 24, 2013

Dearest Darling Esha - you are 10 months old today!

Dearest Darling Esha -

You are 10 months old today.  Your family is so proud of you already.  You are such a beautiful little girl with a smile that puts a smile on all our faces.

You are so fortunate to have your Mamoma take care of you all day.  You look at her and your face lights up - clearly, she is the most important person in your life.  Oh you lucky girl.

You have become so smart that as soon as you hear the garage door open - you start looking for your Daddy at the door.  Oh they are right about that Daddy's girl thing!  You let out your loudest squeal when you see him - sharing your excitement to the world.  After all - Pitra mukhi Sadaa sukhi (with a face that looks like her dad, she will always be happy!).

Even though you can't say it yet - you know exactly who to look at when we ask you - Where is mamoma?  Or Where is Daddy? When did you become this smart?  You have learnt many new things in the past 2 months - like you give us high fives now and clap when  you sing.  You haven't said your first words yet but you do love to babble and how we love to hear you!  You fluctuate your voice from the softest cutest melodious tatatat to the very loud ear numbing screams! You are so funny - we are all constantly entertained.

You have many facetime sessions with your daada, daadi and chaachu .. and they eagerly try to interact with you.  You often smile hearing Daadi's voice and smile seeing Daada's face.  You will be in their arms in about 2 months and will be spoiled rotten!  Big plans are being made to celebrate your birthday again - Desai style once we get there.  You don't know it yet - but God has really blessed you with so much love from all directions!

You have become such a good sleeper - you still continue to sleep through the night - with no help from mommy and daddy.  And recently you have even started napping with no help from mamoma!  How perfect are you! You still love your 2 binkies - Ellie and Chimpu!  You get so excited seeing them!

You celebrated your 1st father's day this year and decided to start something new on this special day - sleeping on your tummy!  It's adorable and Mommy, Daddy and Mamoma are often left gushing at the monitor when you do that!

You love your meals - you seem to love your khichdi lunches the most - that's my desi girl!  You also have learnt to eat some semi solid stuff like avocado and bananas which aren't completely mashed.  But you are still quite the princess and love to be served.  You know how to hold your bottle but expect us to.  You hardly ever want to feed yourself - I guess it keeps the meal times a lot cleaner. So we are okay with that!

At your 9 month visit - the doctor said you were very content - since you seem to have no motivation to crawl but are very curious about whatever is around you within your reach! Hope you stay content for the rest of your life - as we all know that's the key to happiness.

You are still very excited when you see Pishi - you often say tata when you see him - but Mumma and mamoma have heard you say 'cat' twice already - so maybe that's your first word! :) Pishi also loves to hang around you .. as he knows thats were all the attention is these days - but he goes into hiding during your high pitched screams. Poor boy!

We can't believe you are 2 months away from turning a year old.  When did our tiny little newborn become nearly a toddler? Sigh!  Time waits for none .. but you have definitely made time pass in the most enjoyable way possible.

We love you, Tiki! You have re-defined "Love" for me.



  1. This is beautiful G!! I am inspired to write one for N now! :)


  2. I guess Esha will be 1-yr in just a few days !! Hope bday preps are done by now :)

    radhe shyam.
